Saturday 22 May 2010

Whoa... That Was Fun.

When I started this blog I was still new to Edinburgh, enjoying all the sites, and learning the streets.  Well now I've seen all the sites and I certainly know the streets.  I could go into detail about all my experiences, but that would take too long.  For those who want the details, I will be happy to tell them over a few stiff drinks in the near future.  So until then,  here are a few highlights...

Erin and I went to London over Christmas.  I asked her to marry me.  She said yes!

The winter here was the coldest Britain has had in fifty years.  It was a novelty at first, but this southern boy nearly froze his balls off!

After a grueling three months of pounding the pavement in search for a job, I found one.  What do I do at the office?  I make coffee and talk to people from all over the world.  It rocks!

In January we went to Venice, Italy.  Very cool place.  I highly recommend it.

In February we saw Mastodon  play in Glasgow.  It was epic.  My ears hurt for days.  Metal is still alive!

In April we had a small holiday in Barcelona, Spain.  It consisted of perfect weather, amazing food, a topless beach, and unforgettable memories.  I want to move there.

It is now May and our wedding date is only two months away.  I am living a life some people only ever dream of.  The best part about it.... It will only get better.

Thursday 26 November 2009


My favorite time of the year is right around the corner, and what better place to be than Edinburgh.  The Edinburgh Christmas Market is the perfect backdrop for Christmas fun.  Kinda makes you feel like a kid again.  Good food, fun rides, and happy people.  Its the most wonderful time of the year.


Wednesday 18 November 2009

and it begins....

On October 22nd i arrived in Edinburgh, leaving behind my well lived life in the ATL. As much as I loved Atlanta, it was time to move on. I had conquered that city in my own little way, and now, its time to conquer a new one. Why Edinburgh? Well as most of you reading this know, my entire family comes from the great land of Scotland. My mum, dad, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, the list goes on and on. But even with that said, i would not have moved here if it wasn't for my amazing girlfriend, Erin. Erin was accepted into the Edinburgh College of Art, and is studying Architectural Conservation. So put two and two together, boom! Here I am.

The past month has been a bit of a vacation for me. No work, brilliant curries, fish suppers, tall pints of lager, amazing site seeing, more pints, more curries. This city is GREAT! It is almost completely opposite from Atlanta, and i love it! More to come...